Theme Day in the Garden

Funeral  Counsellor Jet van der Heijden accompanies people before, during and after a funeral. She offers you rituals and ideas to create a personal funeral. Relatives draw comfort and contentment from participating, and making their own choices. Where words and tears cannot flow, creative activities offer a possibility to express people’s emotions.


The Klein-Schreuder Sculpture Garden provides a suitable setting for this international theme day. Surrounded by art and nature we will feel inspired to participate, and to experience the therapeutic effects of creativity.

Saturday, May 23rd, from 11.00 to 14.00 hrs, Adiós con Amor Funeral Services organises this garden event, with the theme “How art therapy can help in bereavement”. Various international artists and therapists will be contributing to this theme day.

Open to everyone who is interested. Admission fee € 3.