Jean Groenendijk
- Published on 24 September 2019
From the 6th of October we will be showing an exhibition of works by the Dutch sculptor Jean Groenendijk in the sculpture garden. Jean Groenendijk was born in The Hague in 1943. He says about himself:
"I am a self-taught sculptor ‘pur sang’ and I make sculptures that show a great vitality and power. Some sculptures have classical lines but because of my way of working they are clearly contemporary with a typical form and balance.
In summer I usually search for marble and at the same time look for inspiration under the Portuguese sun. I spend the last part of winter in Spain to include the southern temperament in my sculptures. Thereafter I use the summer for casting those sculptures that are suited to bronze.”
The exhibition is from October 6th to January 5th. Because of his health the artist is unfortunately unable to attend, so there will be no festive inauguration this time.
As usual the garden is open to the public on Saturdays and Sundays from 10 am to 2 pm and on weekdays after an appointment by phone or e-mail.